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SURETEST Torque Calibration System

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CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪

SURETEST™ "Premier"
Calibration System
CDI's All Inclusive Torque Calibration System
Part Number 5000-1

  • Our most comprehensive system for torque calibration

  • Calibrates torque wrenches up to 2000 ft. lbs.

  • Accuracy: ± 0.25% of indicated value, CW & CCW, from 10% to 100% of full scale

  • Includes the easy-to-use 4-in-1 传感器 kit

  • Five single 传感器s expand the 范围 of torque from 5 in. oz. through 2000 ft. lbs.

  • Includes CDI 扭力螺丝刀配件

  • Automatic safety feature locks system to prevent overloading and possible damage to 传感器s

  • Displays eight units of torque measurement

  • Also includes a calibration stand and all necessary calibration wheels, arms, weights and trays

  • Downloading software included

CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪

Easy, quick change 传感器s.
CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪
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