扭力扳手 扭力工具 管理软件 软件开发 手动工具 气动工具
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ETT  Electronic Torque Tester
CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪 ETT™
Torque Tester
  • Integral 传感器 and sturdy housing allow mounting in virtually any position
  • Unique neck design allows the operator to see the LCD
    display when testing long torque wrenches
  • Accuracy: ± 0.5% of indicated value, CW & CCW, from
    10% to 100% of full scale + 1 increment or least significant digit
  • Four modes of operation: Peak mode, Power Tool mode, First Peak mode and Track mode
  • Dual scale (English/Nm or English/cNm, dNm)
  • Auto/manual display reset
  • Reads bi-directionally (CW and CCW)
  • Rechargeable NiCad batteries
  • Designed to be a sturdy low cost tester, ETT can be placed on the wall in the factory, on a portable cart or on a bench allowing operators to test torque wrenches or power tools without having to leave their station
CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪
Part Number
Torque 范围
Torque 范围
Newton Meter
1001-0-ETT 10 - 100 in. oz. 7.0 - 70.6 cNm 1/4” 4.5
4001-0-ETT 40 - 400 in. oz. 28 - 280 cNm 1/4” 4.5
501-I-ETT 5 - 50 in. lb. 5.6 - 56 dNm 1/4” 4.5
1001-I-ETT 10 - 100 in. lb. 11.3 - 113 dNm 1/4” 4.5
2502-I-ETT 25 - 250 in. lb. 28 - 280 dNm 3/8” 4.5
10002-I-ETT 100 - 1000 in. lb. 113 - 1130 dNm 3/8” 4.5
2503-F-ETT 25 - 250 ft. lb. 34 - 339 Nm 1/2” 4.5
6004-F-ETT 60 - 600 ft. lb. 81 - 813 Nm 3/4” 5.0
  • Use joint simulator with Power Tools
  • Power adapter cord included - Part #P115-30
  • Bench bracket available - Part #343-25
  • Socket adapter included with tester (female to female) suited for size of square 方寸 of ETT
CDI扭力扳手 CDI扭力测试仪
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